Look up in the sky — it’s a bird, it’s a plane … oh wait, it’s E-40 suing someone over “Captain Save a Hoe,” mayne!

40 Water just filed suit against author Erika Kane and her publishers for a book she recently started selling, which is titled “Captain Save a Hoe” … ya know, the same name he used for his hit 1993 song. Safe to say, 40’s not having it.

In the docs, 40 says he owns the rights to “Captain Save a Hoe” and Kane using it word for word on her book is straight-up ripping him off, not to mention unfairly profiting off his song and the character he created with it.

He’s asking a judge to yank the book from shelves and for any dough she’s made from it so far.

We’ve reached out to Kane for comment … so far, no word back.

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